"Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business."
- Zig Ziglar
No truer words were ever spoken. When your company drops the ball, most customers won't tell you - they'll just silently go to the competition next time.
They will tell their friends, unfortunately. At least 20 friends, if the offense is bad enough.
So when a customer is kind enough to tell you to your face - or in a letter, email, or via phone - that you've disappointed them, you should take that person and give her a big, fat, juicy kiss. Say, "Thank you, thank you, Thank You!"
She'll look at you like you're nuts. You may even get slapped for the kiss - guys, get ready to have your lights knocked out. But who cares? This disgruntled customer has just given you a great opportunity to fix your error, with her and with all of your future customers.
...And here's the thing I like even more about a disgruntled customer who is kind enough to share her displeasure with me: I have a chance to win her back!
More than any other time, complaint resolution is your chance to shine. What's so special about a good company giving good service? It's a nice surprise, of course, but so what? A lot of companies can't find a chance to show their five-star stuff until they get a chance to fix a mistake.
Done right, this will blow your customers away. The extra miles you go to in order to please the displeased is the stuff of legends in the company that truly spoils its customers rotten.
Our friend Zig is right. Wow a customer by fixing what you've broken: her trust and good will. Done well, she will bring you not only her locked-in business, but that of her friends as well. Give your customers something to brag about. If not perfect service every time, then certainly let them brag about your perfect service recovery.
This alone can make you wildly successful.